Friday, July 2, 2010

Virginia Healthcare lawsuit arguments begin

Judge Henry Hudson heard oral arguments from the Federal Government and Virginia and will decide if Virginia case can proceed in 30 days. The Federal Government contends that not buying health insurance affects the insurance market (commerce) and as such, is covered by the commerce clause. This would represent a dramatic expansion in Federal power, and could allow the Federal government to compel citizens into any activity. Virginia Solicitor General argued "the [Federal] government can’t draft an unwilling citizen into commerce just so it can regulate him under the Commerce Clause".

Related Articles:
Virginia's Constitutional challenge to Obamacare
Blast Off! Health-Care Challenge Gets Airing in Virginia
Virginia’s Cuccinelli Confident in Legal Challenge to Obamacare
Virginia, Federal Government square off over healthcare

Virginia has a history of resisting tyranny. The state seal shows virtue defeating a tyrant or king. Sic Semper Tyrannis means "Thus always to tyrants".

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Federal Deficit - A very scary chart

The above chart compiled with data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) paints a very scary picture. Notice that the projected 2010 budget deficit is 1.5 TRILLION, even larger than the 2009 deficit. Remember how Obama would blast the past Bush deficits as "unsustainable" during the campaign? Notice how Obama ran up more debt in 2009 than all 8 Bush years, and spent even more money in 2010.

More commentary on the budget in the Budget 2011: Past Deficits vs. Obama’s Deficits in Pictures by the Heritage Foundation.

Also the CBO said that the US debt to GDP ratio will hit 62% by the end of the year, the highest since WWII. This is significantly higher than the average ratio of 36% over the past 40 years. The CBO projected that the ratio will hit 67% in 10 years. The US currently has a worse ratio than Argentina, UK, and Russia. See the national debt by country map.

This is why Obama's stooges in the Congress MUST be replaced.