Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why is Obamacare such a big deal?

July 11, 2012 - Answer: In a nutshell, it changes the relationship between government and citizen to be much more like a parent/child relationship. Obamacare raises taxes on everyone to pay for panels of experts to make health insurance decisions for everyone. This impacts the religious, personal and economic liberties we as Americans have enjoyed since the founding of the Republic.

Economic liberty and taxes, regulations and more taxes
Obamacare will impose significant taxes and mandates on small businesses. Obamacare burdens businesses with $52 billion in new taxes by mandating they provide health insurance for their employees and imposing many intrusive new regulations. These new direct and indirect costs will inhibit business growth and success. The Heritage foundation has compiled a video of the 25 new taxes and restrictions on small business.

Religious liberty and the abortion mandate
Obamacare will make everyday Americans complicit in subsidizing abortions through insurance. The Federal Agency Health and Human Services has mandated that every employer must buy insurance that pays for abortion drugs, despite long standing church teaching against abortion. Focus on the Family has a radio program on the abortion mandate. Obama's administration has refused to reconsider the abortion mandate, and the $100 a day per employee penalty for all organizations not covering abortion drugs.

Obamacare designates $125 million a year for school health centers which could deny parents knowledge about the care their children receive. The health law even includes a program targeting teen pregnancy that neglects to incorporate a requirement to reduce abortions.

Personal liberty and the Individual Mandate
Even early in implementation, the regulations and taxes in Obamacare has distorted the market, raised premiums, and caused insurance companies to drop plans. A reasonable person may decide to pass on the insurance trainwreck and self insure with like minded individuals or pay for medical care out of pocket. One problem: Obamacare requires everyone to buy government approved insurance plans with all the undesireable things listed above. If anyone does not buy government approved insurance, they will be forced to pay the IRS thousands of dollars every year. (The smartest politicians and judges cannot determine if it's a tax, a penalty, or something else)

In short, the only way to avoid all the things above and other Obamacare special features is full repeal of the law at the Federal level, and convincing state officials to refuse to implement it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The tale of two men

Two men made the news this week in very interesting ways. One is a Facebook co-founder, and another is a father of 30 children to 11 women. One of these men did something so bad that Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey vowed to stop it.

Eduardo Saverin - Facebook co-founder
Eduardo Saverin is a immigrant from Brazil who met Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University, co-founding Facebook with him. The two worked together to launch facebook, and Saverin served as Chief Financial Officer. Facebook currently has 3,500 full time employees, is valued at 51 Billion with 425 million active users worldwide. With the Facebook IPO, Saverin's shares are worth around $2 Billion dollars. Mr. Saverin has lived in Singapore since 2009, and made the news recently by renouncing his US citizenship to avoid the punitive 15% capital gains tax and 35% income tax. Singapore on the other hand has no capital gains tax and a income tax rate of 20%.

Hatchett - father of 30 children to 11 women
Desmond Hatchett is a 33 year old resident of Knoxville, Tennessee. He has made national news by fathering 30 children to 11 women. Mr. Hatchett managed this remarkable feat by siring 8 children in 2 years. He would like to be released from the obligation that requires him to turn over 50% of his salary to child support. Most if not all of the 11 mothers qualify for food stamps, section 8 housing and medicare. The articles about Mr. Hatchett notably do not mention one idea or concept: marriage. Is Mr. Hatchett a pariah in his community for neglecting his children? On the contrary, he is something of a local celebrity. The hook-up culture is so engrained in some circles that the term "baby-mama" is common.

Sen Bob Casey is determined to punish Mr. Saverin
Which of these men did something so wrong that PA Senator Bob Casey vowed to stop this despicable trend? Does Mr. Hatchett's 30 children who will grow up without a father, and instead depend on welfare prompt a response from Mr. Casey? Unfortunately, Mr. Casey is reportedly irate over Mr. Saverin renouncing US Citizenship and living in Singapore and avoiding future US income tax liabilities. Chuck Schumer and Casey are reportedly determined to punish Mr Saverin for his actions. Honestly, with Mr. Saverin living in Singapore, why should he hand over 35% of his income to a foreign country? Why is there a desire to punish a successful businessman who created a company that provided a good or service for 425 million users and employs 3,500 people?

How can Bob Casey turn a blind eye to 30 children on welfare and without a father, but focus on punishing a successful businessman? Does he not realize that food stamps, section 8 housing, and medicare encourage this hook up culture?

Keep in mind that Mr. Bob Casey is up for re-election this November. Is he the type of politician you want representing you in Washington DC?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Candidate List 4 Primary, April 24, 2012

Below is a list of candidates running for office in the PA Primary on April 24, 2012.

  1. SANTORUM, RICHARD – Santorum dropped out, but he's honest about the connection between family breakdown and the federal deficit.



  4. PAUL, RON

  1. ROHRER, SAM Robeson Berks

  2. WELCH, STEVEN Charlestown Twp Chester

  3. SCARINGI, MARC Camp Hill borough Cumberland

  4. My pick -> SMITH, TOM Armstrong



  1. PINTO, FRANK Middle Paxton Dauphin



Election Information:

Two PA Abortion clinics closed by the State Health Department

4-21-2012 - The PA Health Department discovered 2 abortion clinics in violation of the law, and shut them down. The closed abortion clinics are Fort Duquesne, near Pittsburgh, and another in Allentown. The article also has a creepy description of an abortionist who stored aborted fetuses in his freezer.

To me, this is another reminder of the importance of State laws and state politicians. If it were not The Abortion Control Act passed by state legislators and in 1990, these to abortion mills would still be in the death business.

We will nominate many state legislators, Senators, Auditor General, Attorney General, and Treasurer this Tuesday, April 24th.

Pittsburgh Tribune Review Downtown abortion clinics told to close

Thursday, March 8, 2012

PA Healthcare Freedom Amendment passes Banking & Insurance committee.

March 8, 2012 - The PA Senate Banking and Insurance committee passed Senate Bill 10, the Healthcare Freedom Amendment. This bill will amend the PA Constitution to prevent the any government from requiring citizens to buy certain types of insurance and also prevent governments from penalizing citizens for not buying that insurance. This is in direct response to Obamacare. The Bill passed the committee on a 9 to 5 vote. This bill is sponsored by Senator Joe Scarnati.

What is next for PA Senate Bill 10? It will be considered by the full PA Senate. Currently the PA Senate has 30 Republicans and 20 Democrats, so there should be at least 30 pro-freedom Senators. Please contact your PA Senator and urge the to vote YES on Senate Bill 10, also known as the Healthcare Freedom Amendment. Don't know who your State Senator is? Use the Find your Leglislator by address tool. Together we can stop Obamacare!!

Below is a video of State Senator Scarnati discussing what PA Senate Bill 10 is all about:

March 7, 2012 - Senator Scarnati discusses his legislation - SB10 The Individual Healthcare Freedom Amendment from Senator Scarnati on Vimeo.

Update: 3/29/2012 SB 10 - The PA Healthcare Freedom Amendment passes PA Senate on a 29-19 vote.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Open letter to Senator Robert Casey Jr about religious liberty

I sent the below letter to Robert Casey's office about recent actions by the Obama administration that diminish 1st amendment religious rights:

Honorable Senator Robert Casey Jr.

Thank you for representing Pennsylvania in the US Senate. Some recent events in Washington DC have raised some concerns for my family and more generally our church. Recently President Obama has said that everyone, including Catholic hospitals and universities, will be required to administer contraception and some abortion pills, even though this goes against their religious beliefs.

It is or was our understanding that we have freedom of religion in this country. A person could not be compelled by the federal government to act against one’s own genuine religious beliefs. In the past, Mennonite church members have been exempted from military service, and instead served in alternate 1-w service. Also some Mennonite and Amish school children are exempted for religious reasons from high school to apprentice at family or friends small businesses.

If Catholics are now required by the Federal government to act against their religious beliefs, how can Mennonites be sure our rights will be preserved? Religious liberty was the primary reason that the Mennonites and Amish emigrated from Europe to Pennsylvania centuries ago.

Now that Obama is President, have these rights expired? More importantly, if the Mennonites fell out of favor with the President, and he declared that military service was mandatory for everyone, would we have an advocate in the US Senate? If a Catholic Senator will not speak up for Catholic religious liberty, how can we be confident that the same Senator will speak up for Mennonite religious liberties?

Thank you for your time and we look forward to your response.
Jeremy Martin
Middletown, PA

Thoughts on the letter?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pennsylvania candidates up for election in 2012

February 1, 2012 - This is a directory of state and federal candidates up for election in 2012.

Important dates

Last day to register before Primary: March 26, 2012
Primary election: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Last day to register before General election: October 9, 2012
General election: Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Offices - PA Statewide:

PA ATTORNEY GENERAL - (my pick is David Freed)

David Freed (R) - Cumberland County District Attorney
Kathleen Granahan Kane (D) - Ex-Assistant District Attorney & Community Activist
Patrick Murphy (D) - Ex-Congressman, Attorney & Iraq War Veteran

PA AUDITOR GENERAL (my pick is John Maher)

John Maher (R) - State Rep. & Accountant
Frank Pinto (R) - College Professor, Ex-State Legislative Aide
Devon Cade (D) - Ex-Non-Profit Group CEO & '06 State Rep. Candidate
Eugene DePasquale (D) - State Rep., Ex-State Deputy Secretary of Community Revitalization & Attorney
Jack Stollsteimer (D) - State Treasury Dept. Official, Attorney & Ex-State Safe Schools Advocate

PA TREASURER (my pick is Diana Irey-Vaughn)

Rob McCord (D)* - (Campaign Site)
Diana Irey-Vaughn (R) - Washington County Commissioner, Ex-Pittsburgh Port Commissioner & '06 US Rep. Nominee

Statewide Federal Offices

U.S. SENATOR (Steve Welch and Tom Smith are top tier candidates who I think can beat Bob Casey)

Steve Welch (R) - Biotech Corporation CEO, Mechanical Engineer
Sam Rohrer (R) - Ex-State Rep., Businessman & '10 Gov. Candidate
Marc Scaringi (R) - Attorney & Ex-Congressional Aide
Tom Smith (R) - Retired Coal Mining Company CEO & Tea Party Activist

other 2nd tier candidates
Brian Kelly (R) - Retired IT Consultant, Tea Party Activist & '10 US Rep. Candidate
David Christian (R) - Business Consultant, Vietnam War Veteran & '84/'86 US Rep. Nominee
John Kensinger (R) - Pharmacist & '10 Write-In Candidate
Robert Allen Mansfield (R) - Businessman, Iraq War Veteran & '10 Gov. Candidate

Bob Casey Jr. (D)* - (Campaign Site) <--- Loser who votes with Obama 98% of the time

US House of Representative (Congress) - incomplete as of 2-1-2012
* Incumbent

District 16: (Lancaster & Berks counties)
Joe Pitts (R)* - (Campaign Site)
Aryanna Strader (D) - Software Consultant & Iraq War Veteran

District 17:
Tim Holden (D)* - (Campaign Site)
Matt Cartwright (D) - Attorney
Steve Urban (D) - Luzerne County Councilman, Retired Army Officer & Frequent Candidate
Laureen Cummings (R) - Home Health Care Company Owner, Nurse & Tea Party Activist

Source of candidate List: PA Department of State 2012 Primary Candidate list in ballot order. This is a list of ALL candidates in PA. To be useful, you need to know the State Senate, state assembly district, and US House District you are in.

Voter Information - Who represents me?

February 11, 2012

The PA primary is on Tuesday, April 24, 2012.

List of elected state & federal offices in PA

You can confirm that your voter registration status. All you need is your name, birthday, and county of residence.

If live in Pennsylvania, and you want to know who is representing you at the state and federal level, enter your zip code, and address in the links below:

State Level
Who is my PA Senator & Representative by Zip

Federal Level
Who are my US Senators by State

Who is my US Representative by ZIP

General information about voting and important dates
New Voter Information (PA)

Pro-family organizations with info about legislation, and rate politicians

PA Family Institute

Pro-liberty organizations and politician scorecards

Heritage Action Scorecard

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 Election do or die time for liberty & Obamacare

1/16/2012 - Those of us who want the economy free of the economic impact of obamacare should focus on electing pro-liberty constitutional representatives in 2012. Many including Ronald Reagan have spoken against socialized medicine, and it's devastating impact on the free economy and liberty. In other words, if we want to preserve religious and economic liberty, Obamacare MUST be defeated and repealed.

Some have put their faith in the US Supreme Court striking down the individual mandate, a core part of Obamacare. While the Supreme Court has agreed to consider the multi-state lawsuit challenging Obamacare, it is very unlikely to strike down the entire law. Analyists from diverse political opionions from the left leaning Politico to the right leaning National Review have said the real verdict on Obamacare is in November 2012, not at the Supreme Court.

Many conservatives have serious reservations about Mitt Romney, and his history with socialized medicine in Massachusetts. In fact, every Republican Presidential candidate, including Mitt Romney, has promised to repeal Obamacare.

If we want the economy to recover from this recession, anti-economy policies must be repealed, and that starts with electing the right people. For those who cannot bear to vote for Romney should instead focus on replacing pro-Obamacare politicians like Senator Bob Casey with ANYONE else, along with every other state office. In other words, no matter what happens with the Republican Presidential primary, there are dozens of others running for office. This November is do or die time for religious and economic liberty.