Saturday, May 19, 2012

The tale of two men

Two men made the news this week in very interesting ways. One is a Facebook co-founder, and another is a father of 30 children to 11 women. One of these men did something so bad that Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey vowed to stop it.

Eduardo Saverin - Facebook co-founder
Eduardo Saverin is a immigrant from Brazil who met Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University, co-founding Facebook with him. The two worked together to launch facebook, and Saverin served as Chief Financial Officer. Facebook currently has 3,500 full time employees, is valued at 51 Billion with 425 million active users worldwide. With the Facebook IPO, Saverin's shares are worth around $2 Billion dollars. Mr. Saverin has lived in Singapore since 2009, and made the news recently by renouncing his US citizenship to avoid the punitive 15% capital gains tax and 35% income tax. Singapore on the other hand has no capital gains tax and a income tax rate of 20%.

Hatchett - father of 30 children to 11 women
Desmond Hatchett is a 33 year old resident of Knoxville, Tennessee. He has made national news by fathering 30 children to 11 women. Mr. Hatchett managed this remarkable feat by siring 8 children in 2 years. He would like to be released from the obligation that requires him to turn over 50% of his salary to child support. Most if not all of the 11 mothers qualify for food stamps, section 8 housing and medicare. The articles about Mr. Hatchett notably do not mention one idea or concept: marriage. Is Mr. Hatchett a pariah in his community for neglecting his children? On the contrary, he is something of a local celebrity. The hook-up culture is so engrained in some circles that the term "baby-mama" is common.

Sen Bob Casey is determined to punish Mr. Saverin
Which of these men did something so wrong that PA Senator Bob Casey vowed to stop this despicable trend? Does Mr. Hatchett's 30 children who will grow up without a father, and instead depend on welfare prompt a response from Mr. Casey? Unfortunately, Mr. Casey is reportedly irate over Mr. Saverin renouncing US Citizenship and living in Singapore and avoiding future US income tax liabilities. Chuck Schumer and Casey are reportedly determined to punish Mr Saverin for his actions. Honestly, with Mr. Saverin living in Singapore, why should he hand over 35% of his income to a foreign country? Why is there a desire to punish a successful businessman who created a company that provided a good or service for 425 million users and employs 3,500 people?

How can Bob Casey turn a blind eye to 30 children on welfare and without a father, but focus on punishing a successful businessman? Does he not realize that food stamps, section 8 housing, and medicare encourage this hook up culture?

Keep in mind that Mr. Bob Casey is up for re-election this November. Is he the type of politician you want representing you in Washington DC?