Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why is Obamacare such a big deal?

July 11, 2012 - Answer: In a nutshell, it changes the relationship between government and citizen to be much more like a parent/child relationship. Obamacare raises taxes on everyone to pay for panels of experts to make health insurance decisions for everyone. This impacts the religious, personal and economic liberties we as Americans have enjoyed since the founding of the Republic.

Economic liberty and taxes, regulations and more taxes
Obamacare will impose significant taxes and mandates on small businesses. Obamacare burdens businesses with $52 billion in new taxes by mandating they provide health insurance for their employees and imposing many intrusive new regulations. These new direct and indirect costs will inhibit business growth and success. The Heritage foundation has compiled a video of the 25 new taxes and restrictions on small business.

Religious liberty and the abortion mandate
Obamacare will make everyday Americans complicit in subsidizing abortions through insurance. The Federal Agency Health and Human Services has mandated that every employer must buy insurance that pays for abortion drugs, despite long standing church teaching against abortion. Focus on the Family has a radio program on the abortion mandate. Obama's administration has refused to reconsider the abortion mandate, and the $100 a day per employee penalty for all organizations not covering abortion drugs.

Obamacare designates $125 million a year for school health centers which could deny parents knowledge about the care their children receive. The health law even includes a program targeting teen pregnancy that neglects to incorporate a requirement to reduce abortions.

Personal liberty and the Individual Mandate
Even early in implementation, the regulations and taxes in Obamacare has distorted the market, raised premiums, and caused insurance companies to drop plans. A reasonable person may decide to pass on the insurance trainwreck and self insure with like minded individuals or pay for medical care out of pocket. One problem: Obamacare requires everyone to buy government approved insurance plans with all the undesireable things listed above. If anyone does not buy government approved insurance, they will be forced to pay the IRS thousands of dollars every year. (The smartest politicians and judges cannot determine if it's a tax, a penalty, or something else)

In short, the only way to avoid all the things above and other Obamacare special features is full repeal of the law at the Federal level, and convincing state officials to refuse to implement it.