Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HHS report: Obamacare will raise costs

Health and Human Services has released a report concluding that Obamacare will raise the cost of healthcare by at least 1% over 10 years. The increased costs could be higher since the Medicare cuts may be "unrealistic and unsustainable". This negates the major reason for Obamacare in the first place: bending the cost curve down.

The American Spectator is reporting that the report was available a week before the crucial Sunday Healthcare vote but held back until now. Although Politico interviewed the Chief Medicare Actuary, Richard Foster who called the development "completely inaccurate", his reasons highlight why the Democrats were in such a rush to pass Obamcare:

"We began working on the reconciliation bill for the health reform legislation once it was publicly issued on March 18 – three days before the House vote took place on March 21. Because of the details and complexity of the legislation, it wasn’t possible to estimate the package before the Senate vote. We began work on the estimates right away, but we didn’t finalize them until the afternoon of April 22. We finished our memorandum on the health reform act later that same day and immediately sent it to those individuals and organizations that had requested it, including Congressional staff, HHS staff, and media representatives."

That is why the Democrats kept the final language a secret until 3 DAYS before the vote! That is what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it!" The ignorant Democrats now will act surprised that instead of lowering costs, it increases them! Who knew!?

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